EEC Environmental has been specializing in stormwater compliance for over 20 years. EEC has assisted both Municipal Separate Storm and Sewer Systems (MS4) programs and industrial facilities with compliance issues as part of these services.
EEC develops Local Implementation Plans (LIPs) that included program management and the inventory, prioritization, and inspection of industrial, commercial and municipal facilities.
Most recently, EEC conducted stormwater compliance inspections for the City of Santa Ana in California. The inspections EEC conducted helped the City to manage the industrial facilities in their service area to remain in compliance with the City’s NPDES permit and meet the objectives of the MS4 program. EEC has developed a proven method for tracking and managing inspections and inspection data. EEC manages the inspection schedules and ensures that the City is meeting the inspection requirements established in the State MS4 Permit and the Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP).
As part of the State of California 2015 Industrial General Permit, EEC is also assisting industrial facilities with compliance related issues pertaining to this permit. Most specifically, EEC has two experienced Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioners (QISPs) on staff that assists industries with completing their Exceedance Response Actions (ERA) evaluations and reports and identifying the cause of certain pollutants. EEC focuses on helping industries with their stormwater and compliance issues and is in the process of completing multiple ERA evaluations and reports. Additionally, as part of this Industrial General Permit, EEC has assisted multiple companies with submitting their Notice of Intent (NOI), No Exposure Certifications (NEC), and developing and implementing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). For some facilities, EEC also manages all stormwater-related activities including training staff, conducting monthly visual observations, and conducting sampling during qualifying storm events. EEC staff uses the California Water Board’s SMARTS database on a daily basis and can assist any entity with navigating this complicated new stormwater management tool.
EEC is currently supporting several industrial facilities in Maryland with compliance of the State’s recent General Industry 12-SW National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Due to Maryland’s location on the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the contiguous US, proper stormwater management is of the utmost importance. As such, the General Industry 12-SW NPDES Permit included new Chesapeake Bay Restoration Requirements (CBRRs) for all properties over 5 acres and within an MS4 jurisdiction. These CBRRs require the treatment of an additional 20% of the impervious surface so as to meet the stringent total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) set for the Chesapeake Bay watershed states by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). To meet these standards all stormwater best management practices (BMPs) must be in accordance with the Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE’s) Stormwater Design Manual, which is considered, by many, to be the gold standard for stormwater design.
Successful implementation and management of a stormwater program demand a clear understanding of the NPDES Permit requirements and solid teamwork between staff and consultants/contractors. Having supported other cities and industrial facilities with the development and implementation of their stormwater/NPDES programs, and has developed multiple LIPs, EEC stands poised to support any city or industrial facility with their stormwater compliance needs.