Sewer System Management Plan Professional Services

Sewer System Management Plan Professional Services

Project Highlights:
  • Developed Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) pursuant to Statewide Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR)
  • Developed draft FOG ordinance with established penalties and enforcement mechanisms
  • Developed FOG inspection program that included inspection frequency, permits, cost recovery, and coordination with existing stormwater and industrial waste inspections
  • Reviewed and recommended improvements to the City’s FOG control program, Capital Improvement Plan, sewer system engineering design and construction standards, staffing, and communications program

A city in Southern California (City) selected EEC Environmental (EEC) to provide all-encompassing consulting services related to fats, oils, and grease (FOG) control and sewer system management. EEC began by reviewing the City’s current legal authority to prevent illicit discharges and ensure proper sewer connections. The review looked at the City’s existing municipal code, standards, and other sanitary sewer requirements and determined that these regulations sufficiently addressed the Statewide WDR; however, the City lacked sufficient legal authority to enforce its FOG regulations. Therefore, EEC developed a draft FOG ordinance, along with a pretreatment approach, containing established penalties and enforcement mechanisms appropriate to address the FOG blockage and maintenance issues in the City while being sensitive to the burden that the FOG and pretreatment requirements could have on food service establishment (FSEs).

EEC then conducted a thorough review of the City’s FOG control program and advised the City on critical decisions regarding FOG requirements for FSEs in order to minimize FSEs’ financial burden while still protecting the City’s sewer system. Subsequently, EEC developed a FOG inspection program that encompassed inspection frequency, permits, and coordination with existing stormwater and industrial waste inspections, logical record keeping and reporting requirements for FSEs and enforcement measures that satisfied the WDR.

To enhance the City’s operation and maintenance of the sewer system, EEC evaluated and recommended detailed improvements to the City’s operations and preventive maintenance program, hotspot tracking program, and standard operating procedures. EEC provided the City with a plan to train its staff in sanitary sewer system operations and maintenance and documented these standards in the sewer system management plan (SSMP).

Finally, EEC reviewed recommended upgrades to and provided a plan and schedule for upgrades to the City’s communication tools, such as public information notices, City website, and FOG education and outreach program. These programs proved to be effective media through which the City could disseminate information on SSMP development, implementation, and performance to the public and affected businesses/stakeholders.

Southern California Office Address

1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


Southern California Office Phone

Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660