Delineation of Free Product Plume and Install Enhanced Fluid Recovery System

Delineation of Free Product Plume and Install Enhanced Fluid Recovery System

Project Highlights:
  • Department of the Environment Act 2 site
  • Site characterization work plan
  • Delineation of free product and dissolve phase groundwater plume
  • Preparation of Remedial Investigation Report/Cleanup Plan (RIR/CP)
  • PADEP approval of RIR/CP and implementation of CP

EEC Environmental (EEC) was retained by a large manufacturing company to enter the Site into the Department of the Environment Act 2 program. The original remedial investigation report/cleanup plan (RIR/CP), written by others, was not approved and required additional characterization.

EEC prepared a work plan to address the deficiencies; the work plan was subsequently approved and implemented. The additional work included further delineation of free phase liquid petroleum hydrocarbons (LPH) as well as delineation of a dissolved phase groundwater plume. Using the additional characterization results EEC prepared a revised RIR/CP which was approved.  EEC is currently implementing the approved CP which includes enhanced fluid recovery at two wells and quarterly groundwater sampling of all onsite wells. The anticipated completion date for the project is December 2018.

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1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


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Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660