EEC Environmental (EEC) was asked to prepare a comprehensive construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for a project involving the installation of several groundwater extraction wells in Southern California. The SWPPP was developed principally to identify the construction activities conducted at the site that may be sources of pollutants and the best management practices (BMPs) implemented to prevent pollutants from impacting stormwater run-off.
The SWPPP for this project was prepared to comply with the Construction Activities Stormwater General Permit (2012-0006DWQ) and was developed in the format outlined in the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Stormwater BMPs Handbook for construction sites. The SWPPP included a comprehensive project and site description, the designation of a stormwater pollution prevention team and each team member’s responsibilities, an assessment of potential pollutants, measures and controls to minimize stormwater pollution, procedures for inspections and monitoring, and post-construction stabilization BMPs.
EEC also conducted onsite SWPPP training for the designated pollution prevention team members and conducted routine inspections to ensure the SWPPP requirements were properly enforced throughout the duration of the project.