High Profile Contamination Investigation

High Profile Contamination Investigation

Project Highlights:
  • Litigation support
  • Sub-slab testing of over 200 homes
  • Indoor air testing of homes
  • Installation of test pits on residential properties
  • Fingerprinting of liquid phase hydrocarbons (LPH)
  • Oversite of defense consultants
  • Review the historic use of residential tract
  • Conduct methane surveys
  • Prepare data and graphics for community town hall events

EEC Environmental (EEC) was retained by a well-known law firm to investigate soil, groundwater, and soil vapor contamination to evaluate the impact of this contamination on the 285 residential properties within the affected housing tract. The neighborhood is underlain by contaminants related to three large former oil field reservoirs.  EEC not only provided sampling and analysis of all matrices but also provided oversight of the defendant consultants as they attempt to assess individual residences and to define the extent of hydrocarbon impact.

EEC provided front-line and one-on-one contact with nearly every resident in the community, and developed an exception rapport with the residents, despite often being the bearer of bad news.  EEC was intimately involved with the review of public documents, meetings with the regulatory agencies, and preparation of materials for community events.  EEC investigated property devaluation and human health effects caused by this petroleum plume. Project work included oversight during the drilling soil borings for soil testing, installation of groundwater monitoring wells, installation of vapor extraction and vapor monitoring points, installation of sub-slab vapor probes to evaluate vapor intrusion concerns; and indoor air testing. An extensive amount of data was generated during investigations by both the plaintiff and defense teams required the construction of a robust geographic information system (GIS) database, to be utilized for both technical evaluation and data compilation and for preparation of graphics for community meetings and technical reports.

Southern California Office Address

1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


Southern California Office Phone

Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660