Project Highlights:
- Conducted baseline testing of air, groundwater and surface water
- Conducted testing to determine isotopic composition of water and vapor
- Forensic data evaluation
- Evaluation of methane source using isotopic and geologic data
- Evaluation of private water supply
- Wastewater treatment evaluation
- Public outreach and community outreach
EEC Environmental (EEC) has conducted several investigations pertaining to issues surrounding the natural gas industry and hydraulic fracturing.The investigations have included conducting baseline sampling of water, surface water, and air prior to the drilling of natural gas production wells and the subsequent hydraulic fracturing events; as well as conducting investigations to evaluate reports of potential contamination once hydraulic fracturing had occurred.
Investigations have included testing groundwater and ambient air for a wide variety of potential contaminants that may be associated with hydraulic fracturing fluids utilized by several different development companies. Also, EEC performed both real-time and laboratory testing for methane concentrations and the isotopic composition of methane to determine the source of methane that was found to be emanating from water supply wells.
Ambient air testing was conducted at several locations to evaluate if vapors from open pits, ponds, and compressor stations were having negative impacts on air quality and human health or the environment.
EEC has also evaluated wastewater treatment and cost/benefit analyses for both produced water and flowback water. The treatment objective was to bring flowback water back to potable standards for discharge to local streams and/or reuse at other locations.