Multi-Media Environmental Assessment And Compliance

Multi-Media Environmental Assessment And Compliance

Project Highlights:
  • Staffed in-house environmental positions
  • Oversaw large-scale environmental activities during refinery expansion and turnarounds
  • Conducted forensic analysis and remediation of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL)
  • Developed soil characterization work plans for potential contaminant source areas across site
  • Performed site-wide multimedia investigation and fate & transport analyses
  • Successfully remediated several contaminant source areas
  • Conducted groundwater monitoring and sampling
  • Monitored well installation
  • Developed SWPPPs, SPCCs, and Tier 1 & 2 Storm Water Evaluations
  • Developed Remedial Action Plans (RAPs), Quarterly groundwater Reports, and Complex Site assessment models
  • Collected and managed large quantities of data obtained from investigation and remediation activities in GIS database

For over 20 years, EEC Environmental (EEC) has performed environmental oversight at a refinery. Work has included pre-acquisition assessment and remediation of properties acquired from the two California ports, development of a masterwork plan and site conceptual models, site-wide assessment, risk assessment, remediation, and ongoing monitoring. EEC has also prepared the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC); source elimination program; and multimedia compliance by an EEC employee working at the refinery on a long-term basis.

As part of the early due diligence work, detailed aerial photographic reviews were conducted using stereoscopic analyses and photographs from multiple sources. These photographs revealed locations of historical oil well development, mud pits, “ratholes,” and other oilfield features that provide excellent information used for targeted site evaluation. The resulting work plan identified areas with potential oil-impacted soil, the location of previously undocumented oil wells that required abandonment, previously unidentified industrial process, and previously unidentified disposal sites. EEC has been able to negotiate no-action determinations by the regulatory agency on portions of the refinery that contain only oil field wastes.

EEC is currently managing a semiannual groundwater sampling program and quarterly LNAPL monitoring and removal program mandated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The programs include sampling numerous groundwater monitoring wells, analyzing the laboratory data, coordinating the disposal of the hazardous purged groundwater, monitoring and removing the free product, and preparing quarterly reports.

Southern California Office Address

1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


Southern California Office Phone

Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660