Project Highlights
- Litigation support
- Historical research and source identification
- Evaluation of fate and transport of perchlorate in groundwater
- Preparation of electronic database and GIS projects
- Reviewed and compiled worldwide perchlorate data
EEC Environmental (EEC) was retained to provide litigation support and assistance to defense experts in order to evaluate the distribution of perchlorate contamination in groundwater in and around a Southern California Wellfield and provide opinions as to the source of perchlorate contamination. The analysis included a comprehensive review and evaluation of historic documentation, literature, and reports, in order to identify potential sources of perchlorate contamination.
The research entailed a detailed analysis of potential sources of perchlorate such as industrial sites that may have used rocket fuel, fireworks/pyrotechnics, potash, or other known sources of perchlorate; historical land use evaluation and properties used for citrus groves; historical research of the Colorado River and potential source of perchlorate; research of Chilean sodium nitrate use; and research and analysis of municipal sewer and industrial waste lines.
An evaluation of the background and existing perchlorate concentrations in the groundwater basin of concern and adjacent groundwater basins was also conducted, which involved the evaluation of the local and regional geology and hydrogeology and an analysis of fate and transport of perchlorate in both soil and groundwater. A comprehensive database / GIS system was also developed which aided in the development of trial graphics for court.