Project Highlights:
- Reviewed federal, state, and regional regulatory permitting requirements
- Identified project need for tidal wetland alteration license
- Prepared joint federal/state application and supporting engineering drawings
A power and energy company retained EEC Environmental (EEC) to review potential permitting requirements for the Anode Replacement Project at the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal. EEC extensively reviewed the state Department of the Environment, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), and County regulations pertaining to the proposed anode project.
Based on the results of the review, EEC determined that the proposed project required a Tidal Wetlands License from the Regulatory Services Coordination Office of the Water Management Administration. The joint application to the USACOE/the state Department of the Environment is required for any project that entails alteration of state-owned wetlands.
EEC prepared the application and supporting engineering drawings for the joint USACOE and the state Department of the Environment (federal/state) application to the state Department of the Environment Water Management Administration. The state Department of the Environment is currently reviewing the application. EEC may be retained to assist in responding to comments stemming from the regulatory agencies’ review of the application.