Project Highlights:
- Phase I and Phase II for rail line right-of-way
- Identification of chemicals of concern with potential to delay project
- Rapid assessment to meet construction deadlines
A Southern California Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) commissioned EEC Environmental (EEC) to perform multiple Phase I and Phase II ESAs to obtain liability protection, meet environmental due-diligence requirements, and to determine if identified Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) or historic Recognized Environmental Condition (HRECs) represented concerns at several properties along proposed right-of-ways. Phase II investigation activities included advancing soil borings, installing multi-depth soil-vapor probes and installation of groundwater wells.
The Phase I’s conducted by EEC revealed historic site uses including former service stations, auto repair shops, and various light manufacturing operations which indicated RECs at several of the parcels. Soil and soil-vapor samples were collected and analyzed for various potential contaminant including but not limited to petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-VOC’s; metals, and emergent chemicals in accordance with EPA protocols. Site assessment activities conducted to evaluate the RECs identified soil, soil vapor, and groundwater impacted by concentrations of metals and VOCs above regulatory limits. Mitigation methods were quickly identified and conducted to facilitate construction of the necessary infrastructure and allowed the larger transportation project to proceed on schedule and budget.