Project Highlights:
- Maryland VCP Project
- Preparation of VCP Application, Phase I and Phase II ESAs
- Preparation of approved Remedial Action Plan
- Implementation of Remedial Action Plan
- Coordination and negotiation with MDE regarding applicable cleanup standards
- Drilling soil borings and installing groundwater monitoring wells
- groundwater monitoring and sampling
EEC Environmental (EEC) was retained by a Shipyard to enter the Site into the Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE’s) Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). The application and required Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESAs) were completed and the application was approved. The Phase I ESA included over 100 soil, 42 groundwater, 32 soil gas and 14 sediment sampling locations.
Using this data set a remedial action plan (RAP) was completed for the Site and was approved by MDE. Approximately 34 locations were identified for additional remediation across the Site. Remedial approaches used include soil venting, delineation and excavation and, capping and institutional controls. Remedial activities will be complete by the end of 2017 and submittal of the Completion Report is anticipated in January 2018. Redevelopment of the Site includes construction of approximately $20 million of material handling equipment and warehouses, returning the Site to an active shipyard.