Project Highlights:
- Identified a large volatile organic compound (VOC) release affecting soil and groundwater
- Conducted groundwater investigation to assess lateral and vertical extent of VOC
- Installed groundwater monitoring well network with dual-nested wells
- Conducted groundwater monitoring using low flow with minimal drawdown sampling technique
- Coordinated and conducted joint monitoring with United States Navy
- Conducted in-situ chemical oxidation feasibility testing
- Conducted soil gas survey and performed vapor intrusion modeling
- Conducted an evaluation of building air exchange rates
- Conducted soil vapor extraction pilot testing
- Closed several open case numbers
- Maintains relationship with regulatory agency
EEC Environmental (EEC) was retained to provide professional environmental services to a large industrial laundry VOC release affecting soil, soil gas, and groundwater. Based on site characterization, two releases occurred at two separate properties where industrial dry cleaning was previously performed. Complicating matters, several other large hydrocarbon and VOC plumes exist in the region. The VOC plumes have migrated beneath a downgradient U.S. Navy facility which included base housing.
EEC conducted several phases of the investigation to delineate the extent of the VOC plume, including the installation of off-site wells. EEC also coordinated and conducted joint monitoring with the U.S. Navy following established Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for low-flow sampling using dedicated bladder pumps. EEC conducted several soil gas investigation to assess potential human health risk associated with vapor intrusion to indoor air, including a detailed analysis of the rate of air exchanges in the existing laundry buildings.
EEC conducted an in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) feasibility pilot test using potassium permanganate to evaluate groundwater remediation. Following injection of permanganate, tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were reduced in the injection zone from 30,000 ug/L to below laboratory detection limits. Based on the results, EEC conducted a large-scale injection to remediate the remaining plume beneath the building with concurrence from the regulatory agency. In addition, EEC conducted an SVE pilot test, followed by a full-scale SVE system to remediate unsaturated soil and soil gas.