Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan Evaluation for A Research Laboratory

Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan Evaluation for A Research Laboratory

A U.S. Military Research Laboratory occupies a 160-acre site along on the East Coast. At this facility, the Military Branch conducts numerous research programs, including radar, electronic warfare, optical devices, materials, communications, and fire suppression. In 2014, the Branch retained EEC Environmental (EEC) to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of its oil management activities at the NRL-CBD facility, update the SPCC Plan for the facility, update GIS drawings of the facility, and delineate any compliance issues with federal and State regulations and applicable industry standards.

EEC’s engineers and scientists conducted detailed inspections of the facility, including assessments of every oil tank and storage area. All relevant procedures and oil management processes, along with equipment files, were reviewed. EEC revised the facility’s SPCC Plan to recognize new federal and State requirements, to address the removal of older tanks and the installation of new oil tanks, and to identify changes and additions to oil management procedures and processes.

EEC worked closely with managers of the NRL-CBD to identify potential compliance issues. NRL-CBD was able to address some of these issues during the course of the project. In one instance, EEC helped the Navy to resolve a potentially costly compliance issue and achieve cost savings through negotiations with the regulatory agency representing the mid-Atlantic State.

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200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

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Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660