SSMP Program Audit and FOG Control Program Development

SSMP Program Audit and FOG Control Program Development

EEC Environmental (EEC) conducted an internal audit of a City Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) per the requirements of the Statewide General WDR for Sanitary Sewer Systems (State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-003-DWQ).

Based on the results of the audit and interviews with City staff, EEC updated the SSMP to represent the current operations of the City. EEC also conducted an in-depth review of the City’s FOG Control Program and provided recommendations for program improvements. Part of these recommendations is to conduct characterization-based inspections of all food service establishments (FSEs) within the City’s service area.

Since 2015, EEC has conducted commercial and industrial stormwater inspections for the City. During the inspections, EEC identifies the effectiveness of implemented BMPs, identifies illicit discharges and illicit connections to the stormwater system, and identifies industrial facilities that could potentially require coverage under the Industrial General Permit.

EEC also provides recommendations for corrective actions or elevated enforcement as needed. EEC then performs the required follow-up inspections to ensure that the facilities had corrected the violation. EEC has developed a proven method for tracking and managing inspections and inspection data. EEC manages the inspection schedules and ensures that the City is meeting the inspection requirements established in the State MS4 Permit.

Southern California Office Address

1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


Southern California Office Phone

Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660