EEC Environmental (EEC) was asked to prepare a comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the mid-Atlantic. The SWPPP was developed principally to identify the industrial activities conducted at the terminal and the best management practices (BMPs) implemented to prevent pollutants from impacting stormwater run-off.
The SWPPP for the terminal was developed in the format outlined in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s guidance document EPA-833-B-09-002 and for SWPPPs. The SWPPP included a comprehensive facility description, the designation of a stormwater pollution prevention team and each team member’s responsibilities, an assessment of potential pollutants, measures and controls to minimize stormwater pollution, procedures for inspections and monitoring, SWPPP certifications and a log for SWPPP modifications.
Terminal management uses the SWPPP as a tool for ensuring that BMPs are maintained in sound working order and to ensure that the terminal remains in full compliance with all applicable federal and state requirements.