EEC Helps Clients Recover Millions in Environmental Investigation and Remediation Costs from Old Insurance Policies

EEC Helps Clients Recover Millions in Environmental Investigation and Remediation Costs from Old Insurance Policies

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Insurance Cost Recovery – Are you staring at a costly site remediation or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) allocation? Did these releases start before 1985? Did you have a comprehensive general liability (CGL) insurance policy at the time or did you purchase or acquire a property that was contaminated by others, in which the prior owner may have had a CGL policy?

recovering costs and cost allocationIf you answered yes to each of these, then you have a very strong chance of recovering costs from your investigation and remediation retroactively and going forward.

EEC Environmental (EEC) has helped our clients recover millions of dollars from old CGL insurance policies that were in place before the “absolute pollution exclusion” was added in the mid-1980’s. Therefore, if the “occurrence” started before the mid-1980’s (e.g., leaking underground storage tanks (USTs), tetrachloroethene (PCE) from dry cleaning, metal finishing solvents, metals in wastewater discharge) and there is any chance of recovering investigation and remediation funds through an old CGL policy, EEC can assist you in making a claim for substantial recovery of your clean-up costs. This applies even if you are still incurring these costs, or will in the future. EEC will help determine the strength of your claim and calculate the amount of money you are entitled to. We will then work side by side with you to negotiate with the insurance company or support you in litigation if that becomes necessary.


Litigation Support | Cost Allocation

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Orange, California 92868


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Phone: (714) 667-2300

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200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

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Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660