Why We Work on Managing and Reducing Soil Pollution

Why We Work on Managing and Reducing Soil Pollution


At EEC Environmental, we offer numerous services designed to manage and reduce soil pollution. Reducing soil pollution is important to the environment and the health of every living thing on the planet.

Why Managing and Reducing Soil Pollution is Important

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations spells out five reasons why soil pollution is important and needs to be addressed.

It Touches Everything

Soil pollution affects all aspects of our lives. Our health and the health of our planet are dependent on the quality of our soil.

It Threatens Our Future

Experts say soil pollution has degraded one-third of our topsoil. Since it takes a thousand years to generate 1 cm of topsoil, pollution today will affect countless generations to come.

It Affects Soil Filtration

Soil acts as a natural filter for chemicals and other toxins, and soil pollution diminishes soil’s filtering potential. In other words, soil pollution stops our soil from protecting us from contaminants.

It Increases Food Insecurity

Because soil pollution reduces crop yields and the nutritional quality of those crops, it contributes to the rising problem of food insecurity. To guarantee a wide availability of safe and nutritious food, it’s essential to maintain healthy soils.

It Puts Our Health at Risk

Human and animal antibiotics released into the environment seep into the soil and help to create antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. The spread of these bacteria decreases the effectiveness of antibiotics which are used to combat both common and deadly diseases. Almost a quarter million people die each year as the result of these bacteria that are resistant to traditional antibiotics.

How to Reduce Soil Pollution

Here are some of the ways that industries and municipalities can manage and reduce soil pollution from their facilities.

Soil, Groundwater, and Soil Vapor Remediation

EEC’s experts can help redress pollution found in nearby soil. Our engineers, geologists, and hydrogeologists are experienced with several remedial techniques, including soil vapor extraction (SVE), in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), and dual phase extraction (DPE).

Brownfield Redevelopment

Managing existing soil pollution is important when redeveloping brownfields into viable properties. EEC can handle all aspects of the environmental redevelopment, from initial due diligence to remedial action plans.

Stormwater Services

Stormwater runoff is a major cause of soil pollution. EEC offers a variety of stormwater management services, including design, inspection, and compliance for MS4s, SWPPPs, and BMPs.

Let EEC Environmental Help Manage Soil Pollution

EEC Environmental has worked towards managing and reducing soil pollution for more than 25 years. Our team of scientific and engineering experts has established our reputation as one of the top environmental companies in the United States. We work from our Annapolis, Maryland, and Los Angeles/Orange County locations to serve the environmental needs of private and public clients across the country.

Contact EEC Environmental today to learn how we can help you manage and reduce your soil pollution footprint.

Southern California Office Address

1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


Southern California Office Phone

Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660