EEC Covers Hydraulic Fracturing At 16th Annual CUPA Training Conference

EEC Covers Hydraulic Fracturing At 16th Annual CUPA Training Conference


EEC Environmental Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist, Mark Zeko, spoke at the 16th Annual California CUPA Training Conference at the San Francisco Hyatt in Burlingame, CA.

Mark covered Hydraulic Fracturing during a session at the conference and participated, along with other regulatory inspectors and industry professionals, in some of the training offered by Local, State, and Federal environmental agencies. Some of the topics covered included hazardous materials risk management, hazardous waste, regulatory enforcement, emergency response, and environmental administration and management.

The California CUPA Forum is a statewide alliance of Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs) and Participating Agencies (collectively known as Unified Program Agencies-UPAs) that implement the Unified Program under California Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.11. The organization works to update and continuously improve the Unified Program for the agencies, businesses, and communities served.

This conference provides training in subjects related to enhancing the Unified Program implementation and improving consistency and coordination between the 84 CUPAs and 32 participating agencies (PAs) throughout California.

Other topics such as counting universal waste in California, new requirements for hazardous materials business plans, land disposal restrictions, documentation of outside training, and California-specific hazardous waste training were also covered at the conference.

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