Fate & Transport Analysis
Fate & Transport Analysis
Environmental fate and transport analysis and modeling at EEC Environmental (EEC) go far beyond computer databases and models. For more than 20 years, EEC has utilized our multidisciplinary talents including engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, and chemists to formulate strategic approaches to providing technically based, cost-effective remedies to properties impacted by a wide variety of contaminants.
Our professionals have demonstrated experience with contaminant fate and transport modeling in soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and air. This experience combines the latest computer software solutions with a thorough understanding of the chemical and biological properties of the contaminants and the physical and background properties of the impacted media (soil, soil vapor, groundwater, or air). Fate and transport modeling is used by EEC’s professionals to locate data gaps in site investigations data, identify remedial design and closure strategies, and assist the client in making sound management decisions.
Fate & Transport Modeling Services:
- Vapor intrusion from soil and groundwater into buildings
- Contaminant migration through the soil column and into groundwater
- Groundwater movement, flow velocity, and direction
- Groundwater, soil, and soil vapor plume distribution evaluation
- Chemical fingerprinting and isotopic analysis
- In situ hydraulic testing
- Monitored natural attenuation analysis
- Remedial system optimization
- Forensic and litigation support
- Analytical and numeric fate and transport modeling