EEC Environmental (EEC) has unique expertise addressing a wide variety of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) projects. This CERCLA support range from large Superfund groundwater cleanup projects to complicated Superfund cost allocation projects throughout the United States. Currently, EEC is the Plant Engineer for a multimillion-dollar groundwater remediation project at the Stringfellow Superfund Site in California. EEC’s engineers, geologists, and scientists include former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state regulators with vast expertise in CERCLA projects. EEC supports many law firms in CERCLA litigation cases and serves as expert witnesses in court.

CERCLA Services:

  • Groundwater Remediation System Design and Construction
  • Groundwater Cleanup Cost Allocation
  • Property Cleanup Cost Allocation
  • Litigation Support
  • Expert Witness