CERCLA / Superfund & Environmental Trusts
CERCLA/Superfund & Environmental Trusts
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) includes some of the nation’s most contaminated lands as designated by state or federal officials. CERCLA sites are those focused on the management and remediation of abandoned, non-operating sites with media contaminated with hazardous substances, as opposed to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites, which are generally considered operating sites where business owners implement approaches to manage solid and hazardous wastes as well as transportation of hazardous wastes. Brownfield site cleanups can include elements of both RCRA and CERCLA.
EEC Environmental (EEC) has unique expertise addressing a wide variety of CERCLA and RCRA projects. These range from large Superfund groundwater cleanup projects to complicated Superfund cost allocation projects throughout the United States. EEC’s engineers, geologists, and scientists include former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state regulators with vast expertise in CERCLA and RCRA projects, including litigation support.
CERCLA and RCRA services :
- Potentially Responsible Partie (PRP) Identification
- Historical Property Use Research
- Soil, Soil Vapor, and groundwater Investigations
- groundwater Remediation System Design and Construction
- groundwater Cleanup Cost Allocation
- Waste Audits
- Sediment Cleanup Cost Allocation
- Litigation Support
- Expert Witness