Stormwater Management Plans

Stormwater Management Plans

Blog, Stormwater

Stormwater Management Planning Steps

Stormwater Management Plans

Stormwater management plans are required for most new commercial and residential developments, provide long-term plans for rainwater harnessing, modernization of antique water management systems and reinvigoration of communities through updated waterways and green spaces. Effective management of stormwater prevents flooding and contamination of water bodies, and it reduces burdens on wastewater collection systems and wastewater treatment costs. Investment in infrastructure such as green streets, roofs, bioswales and stormwater parks can enhance quality of life and recreation, besides presenting visually pleasing environs.

Developing Long-Term Stormwater Management Plans

The planning for any community is dictated by a complex and unique set of parameters: financing, geography, size, governing body and regulatory contingencies. It is crucial to engage the expertise of multiple entities from the academic, industrial, governmental, non-governmental and business sectors.

Accommodating integrated green stormwater projects under the umbrella of community capital improvement plans can present many opportunities while planning for the long run. NPDES-permit regulated communities should factor in the length of the required permits in their planning.

ABCs of a Plan

From the initial draft stage, it is important to form well-articulated and defined partnerships with entities and organizations that are needed to bring the plans to life. While taking an inventory of the current state and management practices, the projections should clearly incorporate integration with community agendas:

  • Source water protection
  • Water quality
  • Open air pockets
  • Reduction in sewer overloading and flooding
  • Development of public spaces: parks and gardens, art and performance venues, transport options such as bike lanes and parking
  • Economic and trade contribution to the community
Assessment of the Current Systems and Compliance

A plan for a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) and any other systems must comply with related provisions of the Clean Water Act and should be developed by working closely with the governing bodies. Identify the following elements:

  • Challenging issues that may prevent current or future CWA compliance
  • Characterization of water bodies based on physical, chemical and biological attributes
  • Low Impact Development (LID) requirements
  • Flow measurements from and into the systems and their performance metrics during disparate weather conditions
  • Potential public health risks
  • Organizations and utilities necessary for implementation, and an inventory of their systems
Stormwater Management Services

Stormwater management plans are a Herculean task demanding coalescence of multiple-parties, regulations and elements. EEC Environmental has developed compliance programs to meet stormwater regulations at the local, states and federal levels for over 20 years. If you have a question or needs related to compliance, NPDES permits, MS4 design, engineering, inspection or any other steps, contact us and an EEC Environmental expert will assist.

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1 City Boulevard West Suite 1800
Orange, California 92868


Southern California Office Phone

Phone: (714) 667-2300

Mid-Atlantic Office Address

200 Harry S Truman Parkway Suite 330  Annapolis, MD 21401

Mid-Atlantic Office Phone

Phone: (410) 263-2234
Fax: (410) 266-8660